Tuesday, April 6, 2021

9/11 Memorial


Even 20 years later, it is still difficult to come here. There is a sadness in the energy that surrounds this place that kind of settles into your bones. And it's always SO quiet here. It's like the world knows that this specific area on the map of the Earth needs peace, but there is also so much sorrow. The pictures with the white roses represent someone's birthday. All in all, we counted 10 roses. We said happy birthday to each person as we walked past. The most heartbreaking part was that it was also MY birthday, so it was hard to think about the fact that here I was, enjoying life and this beautiful trip in the beautiful sunshine when these people weren't alive anymore to celebrate with their friends and family. I told Eric that I didn't want to stay there anymore and he said he didn't either, and lets get out of here. 

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