Wednesday, April 7, 2021


These were BOAR meatballs! Delicious! Scrumptous! 

I was so drunk at the end of this bottle that when I went inside to pee after we ate, the server told me to put on my mask first before I entered the building (because we ate outside) and the mask was around my chin the whole time--but I kept telling him I was going to go get it at the table. I finally realized I had it around my ears. THEN I forgot my phone on the table after we left--and I didn't realize it until we were TEN blocks away. I called them from Eric's phone and they said they were holding it, so that was lucky. We had to walk all the way back. HAHAHAHA

This was the BEST pizza I'd ever had in my life. It was spinach, feta, olives, mozzarella, and olive oil. RIDICULOUSLY good. I ate the whole thing! 


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